The growth of San Marino Innovation

San Marino Innovation was born in 2014 as “Techno Science Park” counting only 12 incubated enterprises. In just 2 years the number of startups has tripled (34 in 2016) and in 2018 thanks to the decree no. 23 approval, it acquired more specific functions and powers appropriate to the achievement of its new goals. In other words, it evolves in Authority promoting enterprises in the field of technological innovation.

The innovation institute pursues several activities including:

  • certification and management of High Technology Content enterprises;
  • support of ecosystem related to Blockchain technology;
  • projects related to Digital Agenda for country system support;
  • study, development, and realization of innovation strategy for public administration;
  • relations with institutional authorities and counterpart entities in other countries.

San Marino innovation shows record breaking results! An important achievement is the 2021 financial statement, which closes with a profit of 81,214 euros. This all results from the spending review operation and the new revenue entry policy, already started in 2020. The institute’s goals in the economic sphere, remain to achieve self-sustenance and a substantial economic autonomy.

The attractiveness of the system has significantly increased: even in 2020, despite the difficulties of the pandemic, it has been a successful year with the registration of 36 companies including 15 startups. The first months of 2022 already count 14 new enterprises, for a total of 80 registered firms with 171 employees and there is no shortage of new projects for the future.

The principal goals are the achievement of self- supporting and economic autonomy to allocate more resources to Innovation and to the high-tech companies.



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